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Relook, Reform and Realign Your Business Objectives, Processes & Talent Management To Achieve Breakthrough Results

What We Do

Let Us HelpTo Transform Your Business Operation and Management To Increase Efficiency And Accelerate Growth
Crisis Management

We help to develop a crisis management plan that enables you to identify your organisation’s current risk, foresee potential risk and manage risk effectively with strategic recovery plan.

Business Realignment

We help to thoroughly explore and plan improvements across every relevant area of your business using our proven process of Four Principles of Business Management and Transformational Leadership framework.

Operation Improvement

We help your organisations achieve significant and sustainable improvements in business operations and performance by focusing on key areas that include business processes, management systems and leadership competencies.

Technology Deployment

We help you transform your business processes by employing Digital Transformation solutions in Operations Management to achieve organisations' strategic objectives and goals.

People Management

We help you create a work environment in which people are inspired to perform their best by identifying their needs and talents through a systematic performance management process.

Here’s How It works

We’ll help you audit and document your existing business processes and management systems so you’ll finally have clarity on critical areas that need immediate attention and areas that need improvement to grow your business.

Here’s what is included:

> Assess your foundational statements and documents such as the mission statement, vision and core values
> Identifies organisational areas of strength, risk and challenges using our health survey assessment tools
> 60-90 minute structured interviews with key individuals within the organisation
> Assess your internal business processes, financial management system and performance appraisal system
> Crisis management framework and recommendation plan

With the assessment report and recommendation in place, the next step is to effectively realign the goals with all core areas within the organisation to ensure revenue is achieved, costs are contained, and the team is highly engaged and productive.

> Internal process improvement plan
> Performance management plan
> Financial sustainability and growth plan

In this phase, we work together with the key individuals from each department to restructure and design a custom 90-day operation improvement plan that focuses on reducing costs, increasing profits, improving lead times and boosting customer satisfaction.

> Implement TIMWOOD Lean strategy into the core areas of the business processes
> Analyse the Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow for the business and design a risk management strategy
> Build a professional development plan for employees that aligns operational activities with strategic objectives of the organisation
> Implement a continuous improvement programme

We’ll redefine the relevant business tools and software needed to improve the overall organisation performance. Using the IR 4.0 strategy, we’ll transform business and processes by employing Digital Transformation solutions in Operations Management.

> Implement Digital Transformation strategy
> Develop a Big Data Management system
> Incorporate Artificial Intelligence in all core areas within the organisation
> Personalised training and consulting

We’ll work closely with your Human Resources team to manage your employees adaptation with the new norm, create systems for recruitment and onboarding, performance review processes (including training for managers if needed), and employee engagement activities.

> Create systems for recruitment and onboarding and employment engagement activities
> Design performance review processes including training for managers if needed
> Conflict management training
> Work from home optimisation

Frequently Asked Questions

This programme is designed for leaders in the organisation or key decision makers in their company:

> Founders
> Entrepreneurs
> Business owners
> C Level Position
> Head of Departments

We offer a free Organisation Health Check-Up to understand more about your goals and the current organisation challenges you are facing. Simply fill up the application form below and one of our professional consultants will be in touch with you.

We have 6-months and 1-year programme depending on your organisation size, annual turnover and current available resources.

During the 6-months or 1-year duration, there will be a monthly or bi-weekly consulting session and several customised in-house training session for the employees.

All of our trainers and consultants are practicing industry leaders who have experience in management and leadership roles for more than 10 years and has successfully trained and consult thousands of students globally from SME, MNC to public listed companies.

Their real-world expertise brings together an application-rich consulting and training experiences that uses proven business management framework and strategies.

business picture

Let Us Solve Your Business Management Challenges 

Send your contact information and we’ll conduct an organisational health-check for your company. We provide a simple yet insightful report that will help you identify critical areas in your organisation and address the issues with recommended strategies.

Our professional consultant will be in touch with you to help you improve your organisation challenges. We are committed to help your workforce in learning, transforming and performing.